MK-677, also known as Ibutamoren, is a type of SARM. It falls into a class of compounds with potent effects inside the body.
SARMS, short for selective androgen receptor modulators, are anabolic compounds that bind to androgen receptors, similar to steroids. Unlike steroids, SARMS have weaker androgenic properties. Meaning, they don’t produce the same male characteristics, such as deepening of the voice, hair loss, increase in body hair, and similar.
Ibutamoren promotes growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) production (1, 2). One of MK-677’s functions inside the body is to mimic the properties of ghrelin, the hunger hormone.
Thanks to the positive influence of MK-677 on GH and IGF-1, taking the SARM can lead to various benefits.
The most notable advantage of MK-677 supplementation is increased muscle growth and decreased muscle protein breakdown (1, 3). The SARM optimizes muscle growth without leading to excessive fat gain (1, 3). It can also help consumers hold onto their muscle mass better while dieting.
Another significant benefit of MK-677 is the improved potential for strength gain. Since a larger muscle has a greater capacity for strength, the compound can help. Of course, it’s important to note that your training style will determine your results. Training for optimal strength requires:
Some people also suggest that Ibutamoren might lead to longer and more restful sleep, which is crucial for muscle growth and fat loss (7). Sleep is essential for muscle growth and post-training recovery because of the elevated muscle protein synthesis (8). Having good sleep also appears vital for effective fat loss, with research showing that poor sleep alone puts us at a greater risk of muscle loss (9).
A daily dose of 20 to 25 mg appears to be enough for most people to see an increase in IGF-1 and GH. The compound appears to have a half-life of around 24 hours, so a single daily dose is enough to maintain optimal levels.
Cycling Ibutamoren for 8 to 16 weeks appears to be on the safe and effective side. Many users stack MK-677 with compounds like LGD4033 to make better progress during a cycle.
Like other SARMs and anabolic steroids, MK-677 can bring some side effects, especially in people who take too much or don’t cycle off the compound.
The most common side effect of this SARM is increased hunger, so many people prefer to take it before bed to avoid overeating. Lethargy is another side effect that comes up initially. It typically passes within a few days of use.
Some joint discomfort or pain can also occur with MK-677, but it also passes after some regular use.
Nice & Informative blog! MK-677 is a cutting-edge muscle building pre workout supplement that has been proven to be incredibly effective by bodybuilders and athletes all over the world.
It was a good read, and very informative.
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